
It was so wonderful to be back outside, working in the yard again!  The sunshine is so warm in more ways than one.  The skies have been so clear.  While putting deer fence around the new fruit trees, I heard one of the most wonderful sounds ever;  it was the clip-clop of the Amish horse and buggy going by on the road.  What a peaceful sound.  A sound that is far too rare.  It reminded me of something else.  We live just off the old railroad bed.  I don’t know what year the train stopped running.  It had to be a very long time ago.  I often wish I could have experienced the train going by.  Maybe it would rattle the house too much and I wouldn’t like it but I’d like to have found out.  We do appreciate that it has been turned into a bike path and walking path.  At least it wasn’t abandoned to become overgrown with brush so that it would be unusable.

Last Monday I gave in to having hubby take the whole top of the garden off, which I had mentioned.  I broke down even further and had him till the soil.  I know; most people would say, “so?!”  Well, I have done enough researching and believe what many farmers, gardeners and teachers have concluded.  Tilling the soil actually disrupts the soil’s microorganisms, exposing many of them to the air which can kill them.  As the soil is tilled over and over it can cause it to be less fertile.  The theory of “no till” has been adopted through observing natural fertile soils.  An example is the forest where there is constant foliage and materials being added to the ground, left to decay, and adding to the whole ecosystem.  Rather than tilling, compost and mulch is added to the garden and thus the soil is left uninterrupted.  Well, I decided I can build the soil back up far easier than trying to kill off the weeds and grass that had taken over.  After mentioning in my post the number of loads of roots we had hauled away, hubby took another load and I am working on yet another one.  That will be about eight or nine loads but who’s counting!!  All this to say, yesterday I worked more on the garden area and hubby tilled again.once again I raked more roots into piles.  I am beginning to see the number of roots finally decline.   I really hope this will work.

We had a few little bodies stop by for a while today.  It was a nice break to have cheeks to kiss.

I’ll be back!



Priceless Picture

This is a picture that’s priceless to me.  This is my mother’s mother, my dear Grandma.  I have mentioned before how we used to excitedly wait for the phone call from Grandpa and Grandma in the Spring, letting us know when lambs had been born.  Mom and Dad would take us over to see them and Grandpa would let us bottle feed them.  For us kids, it was a big deal.  The lambs would bleat constantly till they had their turn at downing that bottle of milk.  It is a fond memory for sure but I never knew there was a picture to enhance such a fond memory.  My cousin sent this to me and I promptly had a copy made and framed it.  I’ve never had the desire to have sheep but I love memories and old photos.

Grandma made quite the impression on me.  We grew up knowing she loved us.  We grew up knowing she loved each of her 23 grandchildren.  She was a quiet but strong woman.  I look back now at Grandpa and Grandma’s simple humble living conditions and marvel at all she did with so little.  There was nothing of great value in their home.  Their home simple but very welcoming.  I remember so well, the small space Grandma had to prepare meals and clean up afterwards yet she always welcomed us to eat.  Her small table served many cups of coffee.  Her cookie jar housed many “Grandma Cookies!”  I think of her often and hope that our grandchildren will have fond memories of their grandparents and the farm.  As excited as they get to come and visit, it appears we are repeating some of the same experiences and making fond memories.

Hope you enjoy the weekend!  I also hope you have some fond memories.  I shall return!


Thursday Ramblings

What a disappointing day!  Today was supposed to be the start of a warming trend, reaching near 50 degrees.  I spent the first part of the week doing things inside so as to be ready to spend the latter part of the week outside.  Today was so cold and we even had a little snow in the air for a while!  I don’t get ”cabin fever” but this is ridiculous.  I was forced to break down and make Homemade Ice Cream.  Vanilla and Mocha.  I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m complaining.  I know the warmer days will come.  Maybe tomorrow?

I found the recipe on Pinterest; it is:           1 beaten egg, 1/2 c sugar, 2 c raw cream, 3/4 c whole milk, and 1 tsp Vanilla.  The egg is beaten first, adding the other ingredients one at a time until all are whisked well.  Pour into ice cream freezer and follow manufacturers instructions.  Pretty simple and quite tasty.

Libby girl is still separated from her Momma.  She complains when Momma heads out to the pasture without her.  She’s getting so big.

Here’s looking at Friday.  Again!

Be back soon,




Tips and Tricks

Before I forget, let me say thank you to the new followers.  I am humbled that you find this blog interesting enough to follow.  I hope our shared interests will keep you satisfied.  I do understand that seasons come and go and we go through times where a blog captures our interest for a time until we find later, we are unable to keep up with all the online stuff.  I have had to drop a couple of blogs I followed, simply because I didn’t have time for all of them.  Some blogs I wish were still available to follow but they have ended.

This isn’t the most interesting picture to post but I wanted to give you a little garden tip or hint.  These little silica packets come in all kinds of packaging to collect unwanted moisture.  I have always thrown many of them in my seed organizer to ensure that moisture from my basement doesn’t damage my seeds.  Yes, seeds are in their paper or foil packages, then in the tote with the lid on, but there’s no need to take a chance on them getting damaged by moisture when these little things are free!  It’s a good way to reuse or recycle.  Storing seeds in a cold, dry and dark place is best.  My pantry is best suited for that.

It was a windy weekend and by the sounds of it we haven’t seen the end of it.  I wanted to plant the new fruit trees I purchased at Tractor Supply but by the time we were done with other things we were working on, I decided to wait.  We went to Tractor Supply last week and they happen to have several kinds of trees.  Wind can be hard on new trees so I’m going to wait till the middle of the week when things look more promising.  I bought two Reliance Peach trees, a JohnaMac and a Honey Crisp apple tree.  I’m hoping I won’t regret my purchase as they didn’t come with as much information as they should have.  For the price I paid I am going to take my chances.  If they don’t make it for some reason, I can take my proof of purchase back and they will reimburse me.  I really hope they make it.

Hubby spread some new top soil around the area where garage construction tore up the yard.  He even got it seeded and rolled so hopefully it will take off.  The other thing he did was scrape off the top layer of the garden where the pigs had turned up the grass roots and left them in mounds.  I am having to sacrifice some good soil but believe it or not, we took at least six loads of roots out to a pile in the pasture.  Six!!  Now after assessing it, I am giving in to tilling.  There are still plenty left of the root systems and the only other thing I have read to do is till, and till, and till.  It will take tilling it 2-3 times a week until planting time.  I will obviously have to amend the soil but that is not hard with the leaves we compost and the manures we are blessed with.  It’s just the time and energy it will take.  Fortunately, men like to play on their tractors so I think we’re good:)  Truth be told, I like playing on the tractor too.

More later.  Hope you have a great start to another week.  And let’s hope that only the truth be found out in dealing with the C19 virus.  So much politics and unnecessary stuff takes place in these situations.  Very frustrating.

Keep calm!


For the Love of Seeds!

Yikes!  Did we miss Summer?  The ground has this cold white stuff all over it again.  It was only 19 degrees out this morning!  It snowed all day yesterday.  By the end of the day though, much of the green grass was showing again but this morning is a different story.  I do hope the sun comes out!

I spent much of yesterday sorting gardening information, sorting seeds, categorizing them and reorganizing the tote I store them in.  There are many seed packets  old enough that I should throw them out but I’d like to test the seed before doing that.  I’m terrible when it comes to throwing out plants or seeds.  Fortunately I don’t have a ton of plants or the space to keep them.

Since Hubby has been at home instead of at work, he has spent his time painting the inside of the new garage and making a plan for what will be in it.  Since there is a work bench in the barn, the garage won’t need everything in it that was in the old one.  Besides, there isn’t room.  There will be some shelving and things that pertain to the vehicles that he will want accessible.  I had a wonderful thought when he was painting it!  Wouldn’t it make a great place to have large family gatherings in?  Maybe even a garage sale?  Not sure about that one but the idea of having a place big enough to have family gatherings or cookouts when the weather isn’t so nice, is exciting!  There are plenty of electrical outlets for crock pots, coffee pots and electric skillets if we want to do a breakfast thing.  Since the garage is insulated it is quite easy to heat and be very comfortable.  Hubby wants to be able to heat it if he needs to work on a vehicle or project in cold weather.  In the summer it will be insulated from the heat as well.  Hmm, sounds like I had better get planning our first cookout!

There have been many “irons in the fire” lately with trying to get the yard work done early, the garden spot cleaned up and covered, the planning of what’s going in it, reading done on pasture management, research done on family ancestry, etc, etc.  It has been a good way to spend this slow time.  Things haven’t changed a whole lot for me but having Hubby home more is like a practice run for retirement.  Just the word retirement seems odd to say.  I always thought retirement was for old people!  I’m finding out differently:)

Today I am starting more seeds, bringing out Geranium roots to wake them up, and hopefully I will work on getting pictures framed for the stairwell.  I started that project several weeks ago and had to put it on the back burner.  I’m ready to get it finished so it’s not hanging over my head; no pun intended:)

Libby is still not liking it when she can’t see her Momma.  She does well till afternoon when Genny is out in the back pasture.  I’ve heard it will take three weeks or so for Libby to be weaned.  I hope that’s all it takes since I would like for them to be together on pasture.  It is very nice though, not having Genny being cut from Libby’s teeth.  It would be wonderful to come up with an invention of a way to cover Genny’s udder so that Libby couldn’t nurse.  I haven’t heard of or thought of anything.  They make a thing that goes on the calf’s nose to keep them from being able to nurse but I’ve not tried to get one.  Maybe I should.

The sunshine is extra bright today after yesterday.  It’s beautiful.  Have a great day in whatever you may do.  I hope being shut down has been a positive thing for you, allowing you to evaluate what’s important in your everyday lives.  At the same time, I do hope we can get back to business as usual before there is irreparable damage done if it’s not too late already.  Do take care.

Back soon,


Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Just a note and a few flowers to brighten your day!   I do hope it is calm, relaxing, warm, filled with much appreciation for life and the many blessings we have.  I was reminded while growing up, “there’s always someone worse off than me.”  Oh how true.  So, it is good cause to be thankful!

Today, I give thanks for all that this day represents and I sum it up like this;  if Jesus wasn’t who he claimed to be, then he was a crazy lunatic.  If he was indeed a crazy lunatic, why would thousands of people follow him?  Only a lunatic would follow him!  Why did thousands receive healing, and find new life through his love and wisdom?  If his body did not raise from death, why would anyone steal his it; for what purpose and how?  Because he did raise from death, he showed himself to those who loved him; hundreds.  Because his body was raised, he is physically still alive!  Can we begin to imagine putting ourselves in the place of his family members who watched him be crucified and buried, only to see him later appear to them!  Our grieving would stop!  We would be jumping for joy!  He did what he said he would do!!

My heart is greatly saddened, that mankind sees God as someone just waiting for us to mess up so that he can make something bad happen to us or punished us.  The reality of his unconditional love hit home with me several years ago.  I was thinking about our family and how much I love them.  I tried to think of what it would take for me to stop loving any one of them.  I realized, even if one of my children or grandchildren committed the most horrific act that mankind has ever seen, I could never stop loving them.  In fact, I would feel so bad for them, wanting them to know love, that I would be willing to do whatever it took to turn them around.  My heart’s desire would be to see them be filled with joy and love.

Hmmm.  Isn’t this what has happened for us?  And yet He is still hated.  Yet he still paid the price and asks for nothing in return.  Hmmm.

Be blessed on this special day and always,



Spring Surprise

I didn’t even know they had bloomed!  Sweet little African Violets.

Greetings!  It seems like forever since last writing!  I do miss it but it has been good to push through this time, trying to get much done.  On days that it warmed enough to work outside I raked, cleaned up the piles, put black plastic down on the garden to help kill off weeds and the awful grasses that took over.  The experiment a couple of summers ago where I put pigs in the garden to turn up the roots worked wonders.  The problem was, they didn’t eat the roots!  What?!!  Now they have left me with a very lumpy garden full of matted roots!!  I am beyond frustrated and have now become determined to win.  I refuse to use Round Up and I am trying everything to avoid tilling since that can end up propagating the roots.  I hope to bake the roots, rake up the debris, and burn a pile of roots.  If I can’t get ahead this way, I will have to resort to tilling over and over until all are destroyed.  Time will tell.

Hubby helped me remake the compost bin.   The old one was our first attempt at a compost bin, made from fencing around stakes.  It didn’t end up breaking down well but we were able to add much of what was in it, to the new bin.  This one is large enough to use the tractor bucket for filling it and turning it.

Earlier in the week I bottled up another two gallons of syrup.  I finally pulled the taps but have been amazed that the sap has not turned color yet.  It ended up being a very good year.  With the snow being gone, it feels like we could end up with a longer growing season.  Even three weeks would make a huge difference.

I went to the grocery store for the first time in a couple weeks.  I went early in the morning and loved being on roads with hardly any other cars.  Seemed everyone is taking seriously, the risk of being out.  I was glad to pick up a few things at Aldi that I hadn’t planned for but couldn’t resist.  I bought three rolls of landscape fabric, two roses, and a blueberry bush.  I had also been looking a getting a little compost bucket for under the kitchen sink and found one there as well.

Hubby got the wiring finished from the new garage to the shed and lean-to behind the garage.  It had been disconnected in order to construct the garage.  The shed has become the Sugar Shack since we don’t need it for anything else.

Monday we separated our cow from her heifer.  Libby will be seven months old tomorrow and it is time.  They are only separated by a fence.  Momma has not liked it but is doing well.  At least she can see her girl.  Libby doesn’t seem to care.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend in celebration of Easter.  In this very different time, may you find the beauty of it’s simplicity.

I shall be back soon.


One Little Helper

Thanks for the likes and comments on recent posts!  The days seem to be running together and I’m never sure what day it is!  Since there seems to be no pressure to keep a schedule, I don’t really care!  I’m noticing that this seems to ease stress and I’m hearing more comments about people enjoying the slower pace, doing things they haven’t done for a long time and realizing how much less they spend when they are staying home more.  Gee, who would’ve thunk?!!!  I’m enjoying hearing the good things that are coming out of this time.

We are sharing time and gas in our family.  If someone needs to go to town, they check with the rest of us to see if we need anything.  Less gas being burned up, fewer people in the stores and less time wasted; I’m liking it!

Monday I had the help of our six year old grandson who had spent the night.  We put up Maple Syrup in jars and sealed them in the oven.  Maple sap has slowed way down on flowing as we have had rainy weather.  P was pleased to drive the bee truck for me as we went around and emptied rain water out of the buckets.  He was quite proud.  We also enjoyed finishing a small puzzle together.

Yesterday felt like Monday as I started the things I hadn’t done while P was here.  I needed to use some milk up so I tried a cheese I hadn’t made before.  It is called Domiati.  It is different in that the culture used, can be Kefir, plain Yogurt or Cultured Buttermilk.  I chose to use my homemade yogurt for the culture.  It is different in that, part of the milk is heated, part of it has salt added and after the two are combined, the culture is added.  It does require a small dose of rennet.  The biggest problem was having part of the coagulated cheese fall into the sink when I was pouring the whey off into a jar!!  More than not liking the mess in my sink is the fact that it is a waste of good cheese!  So frustrating.  The consistency at that point was like yogurt so it wasn’t something I could retrieve.  I still ended up with a good amount but I must have lost about 1/3 of what I would have had.  This cheese is then drained, pressed and aged in a brine made from the whey and salt.  Today I will get it into the brine in a crock and put it in the cool dark pantry to age.

And here we are looking at a bright sunny Thursday!  I actually forgot to finish this post yesterday.  I’m swimming in things I want to do, learn more about, and get at before the grass gets to long.  This is the first time I can ever remember raking in March, seeing the beginning of green grass in spots and thinking about getting seeds started!  Life has slowed down but there is so much to think about because of the need to do things differently.  Anyway, I may find it necessary to make notes throughout the week and force myself to only do a weekly post.  I’m not sure I can keep to that idea as I find writing a post very therapeutic.  I also don’t want one post to be so long that it is hard for readers to stick with it.  We will see how it goes.  Maybe I will just need to get up a little earlier to write.  That might mean more coffee:)

The sunshine is beautiful this morning.  The Robins and other birds seem as excited as the rest of us about an early Spring.  I do hope that you are having a warm early Spring and that you are finding the good in this challenging time we are experiencing.  May God bless you with peace in your heart and the ability to stay healthy and helpful to those around you.

Have a great day and weekend if I am a few days getting another post out!  I was just thinking last night as I realized another week was almost gone;  if losing weight would go by as quickly as the weeks do, I’d be skinny!  Instead, hours between meals seem like weeks!  Oh boy.

